One More "Diet" Worth Consideration: The Elemental Diet

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Previously, I wrote about diets that worked for my clients in 2018. One of the themes of several of these diets is that if one gives their gut a break (either from inflammatory foods or from food in general) he or she can achieve a major reduction of inflammation. The immune system and gut cells get a chance to cool off.

One of the best “diets” or strategies for reducing inflammation of the gut and immune system that is also easy to do long term is to go on what is called the elemental diet.

What is the elemental diet?

Elemental means basic or primal. In this context it means that you are consuming (or rather drinking) the most base level or broken down versions of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. As a results of consuming calories in this way the digestive system does not have to fire up and expend energy to digest and break down food. The stomach does not have to produce acid to break apart protein, the pancreas can take break from making enzymes, the liver and gal-bladder don’t have to work to digest fat. Instead, the elemental drink is ready to be absorbed in the first several feet of the small intestine (which BTW is 20-28 feet long with the surface area of a tennis court).

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There are many different ways to do the elemental diet. A person could just drink an elemental shake for breakfast and have their first whole food meal at lunch. Others may choose to hold off until supper to let their gut rest longer. For best results, it is best to drink the elemental diet for all meals for a number of days, week, and in some cases months. There are several ways to do the elemental diet long term.

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In the research world, the elemental diet can be life changing for conditions like IBS, IBD, Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Why? It goes back to the principle of giving the gut and immune system (to very busy systems) a much needed break.

Here is a glimpse at some research:

Is constant gut inflammation and an over-burdened immune system keeping you from optimal health and good energy? If so, keep digging, continue the journey, and remember that nothing changes if nothing changes. Changing habits and trying new approaches gets results.

Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before you being any exercise program. The content of this blog is for educational purposes only. You are responsible for the outcomes for the use, misuse, or lack of use of the information presented in this blog.