Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Deidra Bell

Is there any hope for people with pins, needles, screws, and knee replacements to have a healthy and active life? Deidra Bell has proven that it can be done! At 70 years old, she took charge of her health and life circumstance. After a few weeks of strength training she experienced first hand how she could improve her strength, balance, and endurance.

Here is her story in her own words:

Are you ready to get out of pain and get moving? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Nancy Golson

In the following video Nancy shares her story about how she overcame joint pain that was stealing her quality of life. She had multiple areas of troubled joints including her low back, neck, knees, fingers and thumbs. On top of all this, she also is troubled by restless leg syndrome. Once a proud gardener, she was starting to find it impossible to do what she loved.

How is she doing now? Find out by watching this video.

When people are in chronic joint pain, they tend to give up on working out and become more sedentary. This creates of cycle of less movement and more pain. Exercise (done correctly and with progression) can break this cycle and gives people back their freedom. Watch what she can do now!

Nancy has come a long way from being a chronically pained individual to being able to do well during non-stop workouts. These workouts help her maintain a non-stop lifestyle (always on the go, with trips and things to do). She found a way out of chronic pain and is now enjoying life and retirement.

Great job Nancy!

Are you ready to get out of pain and get moving? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Max Shaw

One moment can change everything. While driving one day back in high school Max was in a car accident. His back was injured from this incident, but he had no idea how badly. He was largely able to brush it off and resumed life, including playing soccer. A near miss? His back seemed to be OK.

As a soccer goalie, it was his job to defend and stop the other team from scoring at all costs. Diving for the ball and other forms of bodily sacrifice to stop the opposing team from scoring was all part of the fun! However, after repeated insults his back started to reveal just how injured it had become.

Months later, Max was on the operating table. It was pain that led him there. Max went from barely noticing anything was wrong after his car accident to being hunched over in horrible back pain. The pain was so bad that he consented to back surgery, which is never a minor decision. After the operation and initial recovery period he felt better. However, the pain relief did not last and he lapsed into horrible pain again. What was going on? From the surgeon’s point of view it was simple: Max you have a second disc that has bulged out of place. What is out of place can be fixed by surgical removal. You need another surgery. Surgery is how you get better.

Believe it or not, this whole story played out again! Max felt better after surgery, but then the pain came back. His surgeon was ready to operate again (a third time), but Max had had enough. No more surgeries! This was a good call.

Max using the kettlebell swing as therapy. Sometimes this move can be exercise AND therapy for the right kind of back/ injury.

Luckily, Max ended up at my studio and we started to go work. In order for Max to truly overcome his back pain, he was going to have to master the biomechanics of the spine. Half of his protocol was being diligent with how he “exercised” his spine outside the gym. In other words, how one treats their spine for most of their day is the biggest factor on how it feels, heals, or doesn’t heal. Max had to learn how to sit, stand, vacuum, sleep, study, and even sneeze in a spine sparing manner. Three hours of top notch therapy a week can never beat 50+ hours of poor posture and bad habits.

Within a few weeks Max started to see improvements. His pain was down and he was committed to having good spine mechanics whenever possible (studying for collage classes with good mechanics was the hardest part). He started using my top therapeutic exercises as well. From the beginning Max understood the importance of exercising the spine underneath the threshold of tissue harm. In time, tolerance will build. Health and “youthfulness” in the tissues can come back. It did for Max. Check out what he can do now for workouts!

Week after week Max and many of my clients continue to “build armor” around their back injuries making them stronger and less prone to flare ups. Their tolerance for exercise and all of life continues to improve. Gaining back health and fitness from chronic back pain is rarely a straight and easy journey but it is possible and even likely. Others have done it, why not you?

Are you ready to get out of pain and get moving? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Amber Chapman

Amber first started working with me to improve her overall fitness and strength. Upon initial consultation, her biggest concern was a reconstructed ACL (a grumpy knee) and sometimes lower back pain/ pelvic pain that would show up from time to time. She was able to train for a long stretch of time without concern and did very well. She could sprint, do military style push-ups, lunge with 50 lbs, and even do pull-ups unassisted.

After about 2 years of training, Amber’s life threw her some curve balls. Due to chemical exposure (oven cleaner) and life stressors (including a change of career) her genetics expressed some disease states that her environment activated. Amber developed multiple chemical sensitivity, MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome), and POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). In addition, her predisposition for EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) manifested more fully.

In order to stay functional Amber had to start traveling on the narrow road of a restrictive diet, which gave her some health and energy back. She started a low histamine and gluten free diet in order to heal her body. In addition, she started taking supplements and medication to help with her MCAS. She utilized a combination of natural and functional medicine along with conventional medicine to get her body back to a state of health.

With her joints, her knee was more vulnerable and her pelvis was more likely to get out of place since her EDS genes were more activated (her collagen became weaker). We doubled up on ACL/ knee stability exercises and Amber learned all about how to take care of her pelvis. She has even gotten to the point where she no longer needs chiropractic adjustments to hold her joints in place.

Amber is finally on the other side of her difficult health battle. In fact, as you can see from the pictures/ video, she has become healthy enough to have a third child. (At the time of writing this, baby #3 is about one month away). Amber has had personal experience in what it is like to lose health, strength, and happiness and then regain her health and vitality through exercise, food, supplements and more. She trusted in the process and in her body’s ability to heal and it has paid off.

Are you ready to conquer your health challenges? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Bets Golden

Meet Bets Golden

Here is Bets doing a front plank with a weight on her back. She could not have done this when we first met!

When I first met Bets, she was eager to get heathier and fit. She was one of the first people that signed up for my Real Age Reduction class….she was ready to reduce her biological age! I was thrilled to see her eagerness and enthusiasm. However, I could tell right away that something was off with her energy levels.

Once we got to know each other, she fully explained what was going on with her health. She had been suffering for years from mysterious gut issues and was very lost in how to get back to health. Western medicine is just not very capable in healing chronic gut issues.

All health starts in the gut. In other words, if you don’t have good digestion, you can’t have good health. Bet’s gut issues led her to have low energy, low health, and malnutrition. One of her main goals with training was to put on muscle. This is very difficult to achieve for someone who has autoimmune issues and is underweight. All in all, Bets suffered from chronic low back pain, chronic knee pain and loss of cartilage, posture problems, hand and wrist problems, and neck issues. In addition, she eventually got diagnosed with IBD (irritable bowl disease), IBS (irritable bowl syndrome), SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth), and pancreatic insufficiency.

For her musculoskeletal problems, I used my approach of building strength and health with injuries present: through corrective exercises and staying under the threshold of pain. As I often say, you can’t heal if you keep “picking the scab”. Bets’ back pain is now stable and is only a minor bother after things like yard work and pulling weeds. Her knees are stable (i.e., not getting worse) and we have found many ways to work around her mobility intolerances. As muscles have been built up, her posture has improved and her hands bother her most with kitchen work. If she did not make the effort to build her body up, she would likely be very stooped over and possibly have multiple joints replaced by now. To date, no surgeries have been needed.

For her other conditions I put on my health coaching hat and helped her navigate diet, supplements, and getting to several doctors that could help her out. It took a lot of time and hard work but after years of trying her efforts paid off. It was a big journey. For diets she tried low FODMAPs, keto, paleo autoimmune protocol, the Plant Paradox diet, and more! Road trip anyone? Bets traveled to the Mayo Clinic, Elements Natural Medicine, consulted the SIBO clinic in Portland Oregon, she consulted with Steven Sandberg-Lewis, Dr. Cynthia Rudert, Dr. Daniel Amen’s clinic, and more. It was all worth it. Bets’ gut issues are resolved about 90%. One major area this changed is that she can now eat about 20-30 foods instead of the same old 4-6 foods every day. This is great victory and only people who have gone through the experience of food being harmful can appreciate this gain. It was very rewarding to help guide her through this process as a health coach. I kept her moving and motivated to keep finding more pieces of the puzzle.


Journeys back to health are not always straight and easy. I couple years into training Bets got hit by a condition called ascites. This is when fluid builds up in the abdominal cavity. It makes a person look like they are pregnant. This condition is typically caused by liver problems. If diuretics don’t work (and the liver starts working harder), this is a fatal condition. In good faith, Bets went to get the standard diuretic treatment, but it didn’t work. Instead, they started drawing the fluids out with needles but this did not treat the underlying cause. The fluid accumulation continued. Bets was stuck in this limbo for weeks and the local hospital had no idea what to do. Luckily, her son had a friend who became a doctor. This doctor friend just so happened to have experience with this condition and he knew a great treatment for it. His treatment approach was based on building a healthier liver. This was done by giving the liver its favorite food: choline. Eggs are very high in choline. Therefore, Bet was put on a diet of 10 eggs a day for months to save her life. It worked! Her health was restored and she entered a new season of health.


A storm showed up in Bet’s life again in the form of cancer. It was hard to believe that she had another life-threatening issue to overcome. Really!? After all she has been through….now cancer. Luckily with the support of both a holistic physician AND a holistic cancer center she did very well with her various treatments for cancer. With the best of both Western and Eastern Medicine (supplements, herbs, etc.) she did well. Throughout this whole process she barely missed a strength training session and she committed to walking daily. Bets firmly believes this profound truth: exercise is medicine.

Here is Bets working out during the Real Age Reduction Class.


With all the hardships that Bets has faced, she is still showing up in life. Many people settle in with a grave diagnosis and give up, but not this lady! She is so eager to live life. Yes, she has been in the pit of despair. Yes, she has had long seasons of doubt and trouble. Bets is many things, but one thing she is for sure is a survivor. Despite all her past and current troubles and challenges she still shows up ready to build her body up instead of giving into atrophy. Bets is still fighting. You can catch her in action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during my Real Age Reduction Class.

Find out more about Real Age Reduction here: https://www.eightfoldfitness.net/training

Are you ready to get out of a rut and get moving? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Muhammad Ali

Meet Muhammad Ali

I started working with Muhammad after first helping his spouse out of chronic low back pain and into better health. (She is doing great too!). This video tells most of Muhammad’s story. It is a little hard to hear his replies (volume problem), but his story is worth listening to. He worked really hard to get out of chronic pain and into better health. He did it!

Have you ever heard of tennis elbow (also called epicondylitis)? It is a horrible chronic pain condition of the elbow that is difficult to heal. Muhammad had this condition and got to the point where he could not lift anything weighing more than two pounds! Luckily, he was motivated to work on this issue. When we first met I gave him my elbow tendon protocol and he was able to see improvements in a few weeks and in a few months his elbow was restored. Tendons need the right kind of ‘movement nutrition” to return to normal.

In addition, chronic back pain had plagued him for years. Sadly, Muhammad had a poor outcome trying to exercise using standard bodybuilding methods and machine weight lifting. He quickly learned why exercises like sit-ups can create chronic back pain in many people. After several months of work he got to the point where he was nearly back-pain free. He followed my model of science-based core training along with fixing his ergonomics at home (finding a better way to use his computer). The one-two punch of correct exercise and correct biomechanics at home greatly reduced his back pain.

Levels of depression and even despair often surround people that have chronic pain issues. Muhammad was getting used to the idea that he might be in pain for the rest of his life. It took knowing someone (in his case, his wife) who escaped back pain to believe that change was possible. He quickly caught on to why his back and elbow where not getting better and how a different approach was likely to yield a different outcome.

Are you ready to get out of pain and get moving? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Sylvia Landrum

Meet Sylvia Landrum

From Back Pain and Back Surgery to Medicine Ball Tosses!

Sylvia Landrum has an amazing life story. She has done so many things in life from flying planes to becoming a craft master. With all that life has thrown her way, her body was in rough shape. Surgeries and medicine helped repair many injuries and joints, but she started to lose her ability to move, have energy, and even happiness (it is tough to live with an immobile body that hurts all the time)!

When I first met Sylvia she had a tough time walking short distances. Her body was failing her! She needed to try something different to get her body back. I am glad she gave my fitness methods a try. Sylvia eagerly jumped into functional-based fitness and scientifically backed core/ back conditioning. I remember how she responded quickly. She always came to class ready to work and never backed down from a challenging exercise. She pushed herself, despite having multiple back surgeries and joint replacements. At the same time, she followed the right order and methods to get her body ready for more advanced exercise. She did the therapy work too!

Front Plank on Unstable Surface.

Many people are fearful to get back into their favorite activities and movements after joint replacement. Sadly this situation actually weakens the joint replacement because the bones and muscles at the site become atrophied and weak. Therefore, a simple fall can be devastating. Sylvia has not allowed this to be her fate!

Sylvia says it all in the video! It has been amazing seeing her get her function back against the odds. It has not always been a smooth ride, but she never gave up. For the rest of her life she can look back and be proud of how she overcame doctor after doctor’s grave prognosis. She know has the knowledge, skill, and motivation to keep going. I am proud of you Sylvia! Stay strong, happy, and healthy!

Are you ready for a change? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Tom Higgins

Meet Tom Higgins

Tom was looking for something different in life. He had been into fitness and strength training for some time, but he wanted to make sure he was doing all he could to stay happy, strong, and healthy. He saw an advertisement for my Real Age Reduction class and decided to give it a try.

Five years later, he is at a very different level of fitness. Check out his workout highlights from a few weeks ago! It is amazing what he can do with his body. He is now 74 years old and running strong! (BTW: Tom loves push ups).

Suspended TRX push ups are not easy to pull off. What was once impossible is now a fun but tough exercise for Tom!

Another big area of change for Tom has been his nutrition. When I first met him he would have the typical high processed carb breakfast of orange juice, toast, bagels, and cereal. This kind of food puts people on the blood sugar roller coaster (and weight gain, diabetes, and more….) As Tom discovered, his body runs better with protein and fiber for breakfast.

Tom has always been a hard worker. After he gets warmed up and “in the game” he always gives it his best and pushes others to do they same. The “COVID years” have been tough for him and his family but this has not stopped him from taking care of his body. He trained online with the Real Age Reduction group for about a year when gyms were closed down. Tom got some gym equipment for is home and made the most of it. He is currently working on tryin to get his pre-COVID endurance back.

Tom and his wife Rita try to workout three times a week with the Real Age Reduction group on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They both try to stay in shape so they can enjoy travel, church functions, family, and more. Proud of you Tom! Keep up the good work.

Are you ready for a change? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Tom displaying his hip flexibility. Deep squats are great on the hips when progressed to correctly.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Roberta

Meet: Roberta Hand

I first met Roberta when she signed up for a group training class I used to teach at a local gym. The class was called Real Age Reduction. Roberta had recently retired and was intrigued at the goals of the class, which included working on posture, strength, and balance. After a few sessions, I knew she was going to get great results. The intensity and effort she put into the workouts was fantastic. She eagerly wanted to learn how to take care of her body and build fitness with my style of training.

Roberta showing her strength with some “light” outdoor chores

Roberta was no stranger to exercise, but she was new to functional training and getting pushed by a trainer to get better results. It was important to her that exercise done at the gym would have real life transfer. Why? Besides taking care of her own health, it was essential that she build strength so she could continue to take care of her spouse, John, who has a chronic health condition. This daily care was starting to take a toll on her own body and health.

It is important for both Roberta and John to remain independent and to enjoy a retirement full of trips, dinners out with friends, community activities, and sporting events. Despite some physical challenges, they are some of the most active people I know! Roberta is now aware of how to move her body better to avoid injuries while helping John. She also has a list of corrective exercises to ease joint pain and arthritis during flare ups of old injuries.

Roberta is one of the fittest people I know, regardless of age. Add in the fact that she has had more than 80 birthdays makes her fitness gains all the more impressive. She can lunge with good form holding 40 lbs weights for multiple sets, do-a 2 minute plank, perform 20-30 partial body weight pulls, and so much more!


Along with gaining strength, resilience, and energy, Roberta has also changed her nutrition paradigm and habits. This has helped her keep her bone density scans reading away from osteoporosis and degeneration. Her posture has improved (making her taller!) and her spine is less prone to develop bone spurs and stenosis. Roberta has been on a multi-year journey to gain better health and it has paid off. I imagine her staying happy, strong, and healthy much longer than her peers because of her efforts.

She treats every workout session as an important means to gain a better body. Her energy and happiness are contagious. After training in my large group for years, she is living proof that the right kind of exercise can truly reduce a person’s biological age!

Are you ready for a change? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Richard

Meet: Richard Morthland

I met Richard around 5 years ago. He sought my help for his chronic low back pain. His doctor had given him the diagnoses of “degenerative disc disease” and “arthritis.” The prognosis was not bright.

Typically, most people are sold on the idea that when you get older pain is guaranteed, the body gets worse/ more painful, and you should be prepared for drugs, shots, and surgeries to get by.

Our initial work was focused on getting him out of back pain. To do this, Richard learned how to sit, drive, put on clothes, brush his teeth, carry a fire hose, and everything else in life in a spine-sparing manner. In addition, he committed to the McGill approach to spine rehab 1-3 times a day to add stability to his injured spine. Results came quickly and his function was soon restored. Next we focused on anti-aging exercise.

One recent addition to our workouts has been blood flow restriction training. This has taken his body to the next level!

My goal with any willing client is to get them out of pain and dysfunction and onto performance-level fitness. This is important because when any person pushes their body to performance-level fitness, they get to enjoy so much freedom and health in their body….and workouts becoming endlessly interesting.

Starting out Richard was 173 pounds, in chronic back pain, and had a low base level of fitness. Most of his blood markers were trending towards a disease state. I am glad that he decided not to settle!

Blood flow restriction training on the biceps. It is great to condition the muscles, joints, and veins (yes you can condition your veins to be heathier too!)

How many push-ups can he do?

Look at him now! At 80 years old, he is now at a lean 138 pounds, full of energy and health, and is able to outperform most gym -goers in their 20s and 30s.

After much dedication and hard work, he has transformed his body and life. I hope you are inspired not to give up despite your number of birthdays or health status. With proper training, good nutrition, and high quality sleep, just about anything can be accomplished.

Are you ready for a change? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.